Dear Parent/Carer
In line with updated government guidance, all staff or students with a new continuous cough and/or a high temperature will be required to self-isolate for 7 days from the day that the symptoms began. Obviously, this will mean no attendance at work or school during this period. Please inform us on the first day of the absence, let us know that your child is self-isolating for 7 days and the reason for this. We will then note this as a 7 day absence and will not require any further correspondence until day 8. If your child is unable to return to school after the 7 days please make further contact.
We have been advised that there is no need to keep your child at home if someone else in the household has a cough or a high temperature.
We will continue to keep you updated with any further developments.
Sarah Findlay-Cobb
Chief Executive Officer