As you may be aware, last night the Department for Education (DFE) announced they would like schools to close on Thursday, 17th December.
Greenacres will therefore be closed on Friday, 18th December to all pupils. The Hive (before and after school club) will also be closed. The DFE have sincerely apologised for the short notice.
Track and Trace have asked that the school continues to track and trace Covid cases for 6 days after the school has closed on 17th December. If your child develops symptoms on Friday, 18th or Saturday, 19th and tests positive, please email [email protected]. This will enable us to contact the children in their bubble and ask them to isolate. If your child tests positive after the 19th, you do not have to let us know until we return to school on Monday, 4th January 2021.
Christmas parties will now take place on Wednesday, 16th December (non-uniform) and Christmas dinner will be served on Thursday, 17th December (Christmas jumper day).
Thank you very much for your support which has enabled the school to remain fully open all term.
May I wish you all a safe holiday and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Bridge