Welcome to Year 3!
It’s been really lovely seeing all the children back at school.
The children have settled in well and impressed us with their enthusiasm, eagerness to learn and effort.
This term our learning will include a variety of contexts, for example in History we will study ‘The Stone age to Iron Age’ and what they did as one of the first civilisations that shaped the world we live in today, and in Science ‘Rocks and soils’. Geography will focus upon mapping and use of a compass, Art will improve our skills using charcoal and in DT we will be looking at how to create a box using textiles.
PE is weekly on a Friday, please ensure indoor and outdoor kits are at school as we get changed in the classroom.
The whole year group begin their violin lessons week commencing 11th September. They will be taught how to hold and play it properly before they will be allowed to bring it home. Once they are bringing it home they will need to ensure it is in school every Tuesday for the lesson – we don’t have many spares. Please encourage your child to practise at home (maybe invest in some good ear plugs for these first few weeks!).
Please continue to help your child continue their learning at home. Everything you do with your child is beneficial to them, but we would hope as a minimum each child is reading with an adult at least 5 times a week, working on the reading challenge, practising their spellings and learning their times tables.
If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Mrs S Worrall and Miss E Neville