Welcome to Year 1! You’ll be pleased to know the children have all settled in well and are getting used to their new classrooms and routines. They are also working very hard and producing some lovely work.
We are very enthusiastic for our first term as we have lots of exciting work planned. We are beginning the term by learning about changes within living memory in History and focusing on changes in Amington.
We have started Phonics using ‘Little Wandle’ scheme. We have also started our reading sessions. The children will be reading three times per week in class. They will be reading the same book throughout the week, with each session having a different focus – decoding, prosody and comprehension. Please encourage your child to read their school book at home at least 5 times per week.
We are starting with Place Value in Maths and deepening our understanding of numbers up to 10. We have started a Maths program called ‘Mastering Number’ to help us become confident in understanding number and develop the children’s number fluency.
In Science, we are finding out about ‘weather, day & night’ and then we will move onto ‘plants including trees’.
Please support your child in reading at least 5 times a week (checked every Thursday). We would like all children to complete the Bronze Reading challenge award by the end of term.
Mrs Sharp and Miss Crompton