This term, the children are learning and exploring through our new topic Fantastic Fairy Tales. Each week we have been focusing on a different fairy tale story which has inspired the activities for the learning areas and adult focus activities in our classrooms. Recently we have looked at the stories of Jack and the beanstalk and Goldilocks and the Three bears. We will look at The Gingerbread Man and we hope the children will really enjoy it, particularly the baking and eating! We will also continue to learn about more fairy tales including Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and The Billy Goats Gruff.
Before the holidays, we will be revisiting our on-going topic about People around the World to find out about China and Chinese New Year. The children will be making a Class Holiday Brochure about China using the information they find out. They will also take part in various Chinese craft activities and will try tasting some delicious Chinese Food.
Our topic for next half term is ‘Our Wonderful world’. We will start with the story of ‘Whatever Next!’ this story is about a bear who travels to the moon in his makeshift rocket. We will use this story to explore a little bit about planets and find out about space. We will learn about creatures ‘Under the Sea’ including their habitats and facts about fish, crustaceans and mammals. We will also be learning about our world through exploring different countries. We will look at Africa, Australia and even Great Britain and will use these countries to explore differences and similarities between our own country and countries around the world. Towards the end of half term we will be learning the story of Easter and discuss how and when we celebrate this special time of year.
During Spring term our P.E sessions will involve being in the hall. We will need P.E kits during this half-term. Cats PE, is Thursday and Monkeys PE is Friday. Just a reminder to make sure all your children’s clothes are labelled, particularly jumpers and cardigans, as you can imagine we have a lot of green jumpers.
Children also need a named water bottle that they can bring every day.
We ask for any children wishing to have toast and milk for the week to provide the money in a named envelope on a Monday morning.
Toast- £1 week.
Milk- free for under 5’s/ £1.25 a week for over 5’s.
Keep an eye out for our weekly ‘Talk Talk’ newsletter which will inform you about weekly topics and any other notices for that week. These will be available to see on class dojo on a Friday.
Finally, we would like to encourage reading at home. Last term the children were introduced to our Reading Ladder scheme where the children are rewarded for reading 5 or more times a week at home. We encourage you to read with your child as often as possible. As always, parental support at home is invaluable. Sharing stories with your child is great for building on their vocabulary.
Miss Harper, Mrs Francis, Mrs McDermott and Mrs Shingleton.