We have completed our first term in Year 3 and have been really impressed with how hard the children have worked.
They seemed to really enjoy our work on the Stone Age to Iron Age and we can’t wait for you to join us for our assembly on Friday 2nd February!
This term, we will work on the improving our cooking skills in Design and Technology and learning about mechanisms to design our own simple toy mechanism.
Alongside the DT there will be the Science Magnets and forces unit, finding out more about the different forces around us and also in Geography we will study the United Kingdom.
We will continue to learn to play the violin, building on the skills of playing an instrument, as well as develop a wealth of musical knowledge.
Please continue to help your child continue their learning at home. Everything you do with your child is beneficial to them, but we would hope as a minimum each child is reading with an adult at least 5 times a week, tackling the reading challenge (everyone should have completed Bronze now and started work on Silver), practising their spellings and learning their time tables. To help your child with their times tables, they still have access to TT Rockstars (an online maths resource) using their login details from last year.
We have many incentives to encourage the children to read to the weekly target of 5 times per week. As a year group, we have agreed that as long as the children read their school book 3 times a week, the other days they read can be with a book of their choice (or something from the reading challenge!)
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Neville & Mrs Worrall