This term, Year 5 are studying a new topic, ‘The Maya Civilisation’ in which we will learn about the Maya civilisation and then compare them to the Anglo-Saxons in Britain who were living at the same time. In Geography, the children have already enjoyed using maps this year and, after half term, we will be learning some new Ordnance Survey map skills and putting them into practice. Our Science lessons will be biology based, learning about ‘Animals, including humans’ and then moving on to physics with ‘Forces’, in which we will have the opportunity to carry out some practical investigations into forces such as gravity.
Our English lessons will be focusing on Shakespeare, investigating and creating our own Sonnets in the Iambic pentameter format. We will also be reading Romeo and Juliet and retelling the story as a play script. In Maths, we will continue to look at fractions and then move on to decimals and percentages.
We are continuing our ‘Reading a Range’ challenge where children need to read the next line of books to achieve their Silver reading band. Children will need to achieve this by Easter.
Mrs S Hopkins/Mr Herrmann