First of all you should all be proud of the resilience of our children and how well they have adapted to life here at QEMs.
We are ready to plunge into our water topic and have a splashing time! We are learning about the water cycle and will be writing explanations during our Literacy lessons. Also linked to this is our Science where we are completing units about sound and electricity before moving back to revisit living things. We have now completed our latitude and longitude topic and know all about time zones and GMT. Our next History topic is all about Egypt which the children will be able to bring prior knowledge and experience.
In maths we are doing fractions and decimals currently. In English we have been looking at African fables and are just about to create our own.
In art we have been studying the art of display and are now looking at still life artists ready to produce some of our own still life work. DT is all about structures and how they are made strong, we will investigate test and create some of our own.
We are looking forward our trip and having some fun together.
Please continue to read at least 5 times a week, practise spellings (sent home on a Wednesday) and working on times tables rock stars ready for our testing.
Mrs Baugh and Miss Lamb