Welcome to Reception.
The children have adapted extremely well to life at school. We are very pleased and proud of how well the children have settled and come into school leaving parents at the school gates as well as adapting to new classrooms in the first few weeks. The children are beginning to make some lovely new friends in the Cats and Monkeys classes. We are extremely lucky this year to be working altogether and the children are able to form close relationships with all of the Reception team and children.
Our Topic for the first half term is ‘All About Me’ where we will be learning about ourselves, our families and people who help us. The children will be able to access various activities across the classrooms and outside, catering for all areas of the curriculum.
We have begun teaching our ‘Little Wandle’ phonics and reading scheme. The children have been very eager during phonics lessons and are beginning to make links with the teaching of phonics across all other areas of learning. The children will soon receive their reading books each week on a Friday. Please can you make sure these books are well looked after at home as these are very new and each book comes as part of a set and therefore extremely expensive to replace.
We will send home more proud stars this half term, if you could get them back to us and we can share these achievements and display them in our classroom for everyone to see.
The children will be learning about one another and making new friends during this first term. They will be exploring new environments and getting used to their new routines.
During Autumn term our P.E sessions will involve exploring the space. We will need P.E kits later this half-term. Letters will go home nearer the time when P.E kits will be required.
Just a reminder to make sure all your children’s clothes are labelled, particularly jumpers and cardigans, as you can imagine we have a lot of green jumpers. Children will also need a named water bottle that they can bring every day.
We ask for any children wishing to have toast and milk for the week to provide the money in a named envelope on a Monday morning.
Toast- £1 week
Milk- free for under 5’s/ £1.25 a week for over 5’s.
Keep an eye out for their weekly ‘Talk Talk’ newsletter which will inform you about weekly topics and any other notices for that week. These will be available to see on class dojo on a Friday.
Miss Harper/ Mrs Francis