We have lots of exciting learning taking place this term!
In English, we have been reading and writing about Jack and the Beanstalk in preparation for our trip to the pantomime. Then, we will be doing some writing linked to our Geography topic, The Rainforest.
In Geography, we are learning about the Yanomami Tribe and finding out where they live, who they are and how life in the rainforest compares to where we live.
In Science, we are continuing with our ‘materials’ topic. So far, we have completed an absorbency experiment and next we are going to complete a waterproofing experiment.
In Art, we are looking at what it means to be an architect and designing and making our own buildings that reflect the architecture of the time of The Great Fire of London. In Design Technology, we will be investigating and making wheeled vehicles.
Children should continue to read at home to an adult at least 5 times per week. Each parent signature in the diary counts as one step up the reading ladder and counts towards our class reading percentage each week. Children will continue to read a range of genres to earn their silver reading band which needs to be completed by the Easter holidays (please ask your child’s class teacher for further information or support with this).
Please remember to keep practising spellings and times tables each week.
This term, the children have all started to learn their ten times tables and lots of have already passed their first test by achieving full marks (20 questions). Our focus for Year Two is to know our x10, x5 then x2 tables.
Thank you parents for all your support,
Mrs Rowland and Mrs Jones