Year 3 had an enjoyable Spring term, and have settled well into life at QEMS. We are very proud of them and the resilience they have shown.
This term we will be studying the Romans and the effect it had upon life in Britain at this time and the wider world. In Geography, we are also studying how to use and interpret OS maps. We will look at OS maps of our local area and identify features found.
Both classes have also continued to wow everyone with their violin playing skills, with our violin lessons taking place every Tuesday. We are very much hoping to see you at our music concert in June at the Coton Centre. Please remember to return any outstanding permission slips.
3N commence their block of swimming lessons on Thursday 16th May so please ensure they have their swimming kit with them each week. 3W will need to come to school wearing full PE kits on Wednesdays as it is understood that we have been allocated some time in the Sports Hall.
Please continue to help your child complete their learning at home (spelling, reading and times tables practise), it is really appreciated and beneficial to your child. Whilst we fully understand busy family life, everything you do with your child is of benefit to them. We would hope as a minimum, each child is reading with an adult at least 5 times a week, practising their spellings and learning their times tables.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Neville and Mrs S Worrall