The Hive is run by the Academy and consists of a Before/After School Club, together with a Holiday Club run during some of the Academy holidays. Both clubs provide a fun and safe environment for children to take part in a range of exciting activities and there are often visits arranged by the Holiday Club.
All clubs are run by fully qualified Academy staff who are DBS checked and form part of the whole Academy which was judged by Ofsted as “Good” in 2019.
Before School Club
This starts at 7.30am. The children can have a snack, cereal or toast, with a drink of milk or juice. A range of exciting activities are available for the children to take part in. At 8.40am children leave the club to attend lessons with the younger children being escorted to their classes.
After School Club
This starts at 3.30pm. The older children make their way to the club and are welcomed by the staff. The younger children are collected and escorted to the club. The session finishes at 6.00 p.m. and to avoid late collection charges it is important that all children are collected by this time.
All sessions are planned to provide a variety of activities that are suitable to each age range. The children can choose a snack from our varied snack menu. We carefully pick snacks that take into account nutrition as well as introducing the children to a wide variety of food experiences. If a child requires any dietary requirements these are taken into consideration.
Holiday Club
This runs during the following periods:
- 1 week in October
- 1 week in February
- 1 week at Easter
- 1 week at Whitsun
- 2 weeks during Summer holidays
Actual dates will be published on the Academy calendar.
If you would like to visit the Clubs to see us in action, please contact Mrs Sarah Tomson, Office Manager to arrange this.