We view the Curriculum as the sum total of all the learning experiences within the Academy not simply the identifiable subjects. Consequently, the learning programmes extend beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum and subject boundaries. They intend to fully develop your child through their early years so that they can confidently progress into secondary education.
As a school we follow the Little Wandle scheme for phonics and early reading Letters and Sounds | A complete Phonics resource to support children.
Our curriculum for Mathematics is White Rose Primary school maths resources | White Rose Education.
For the curriculum areas of Science, History, Geography and Design Technology we follow CUSP (More Information | CUSP).
Our Art and Design curriculum is Access Art AccessArt: Sharing Visual Arts Inspiration.
For Physical Education (PE) we follow the PE Planning curriculum PE Lessons: Plans, Schemes Of Work & Assessment | PE Planning.
For Religious Education (RE), Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships, we follow the Twinkl scheme of work Primary Resources – KS2, KS1, Early Years (EYFS) KS3, KS4, Twinkl
Our Computing curriculum is Purple Mash by 2Simple which includes modules about Online Safety Purple Mash | Computing, Maths, English and more – 2simple.com.
For Music we follow the Music Express curriculum by Collins Music Express Music Teaching Resources | Award-winning Resource – Collins. For more details about the music we offer, please see our
We teach Spanish as a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) in Key Stage 2 following the Language Angels curriculum Languageangels.
Details about our curriculum in each year group are available below. If you would like more detailed information about the curriculum the Academy follows, please contact us.
If you are a parent of a child in Y6 and would like more information about this year’s SATs tests, please take a look at the following information leaflet and video.
Progression Documents
Curriculum Details
Spellings Lists